Webzen launches its mobile 8ball game, POOL TIME today.


Webzen launches its mobile 8ball game, POOL TIME today.

[This unedited press release available courtesy Gamasutra its partnership with notable PR-related resource GamesPress. ] 2018 - WEBZEN, today the official commercial release its mobile 8ball TIME, experience realistic billiard players will get the to experience realistic full 8ball. TIME available in English, German, Portuguese, excluding Korea, India, Sudan, Webzen launches its Cuba.

ETM Group reported 48% growth in like-for-like sales for the week ending 11 February at the Greenwood pub in Victoria, with revenue more than doubling on Super Bowl Sunday - a day on which the Greenwood’s team pulled nearly 3,000 pints and served more than 1,000 burgers. The Greenwood sold 400 tickets to their Super Bowl party in advance at £15 each - with a free burger and beer included. The event also featured pre-game cheerleaders, shuffleboard, 8-ball pool, food service until 3am, and live coverage broadcast on the site’s 16 screens. After walk-ins on the night, 8 Ball Pool capacity was around 500 people by the time the game itself kicked-off. The 52nd​ edition of the National Football League’s flagship event between the Eagles and the Patriots was broadcast from Minneapolis, Minnesota, on Sunday 4 February at 11pm, extending into the small hours of Monday, with many pubs hosting Super Bowl parties to cash in. A 2016 report by MatchPint and CGA revealed that showing the Super Bowl could be worth more than £1,000 per site on average​, with searches on the pub finding app for sites showing the end of season showcase rising 178% year-on-year since 2013.

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